Resolution in Support of Petition to
Growth Management Hearings Board
Whereas TreePAC, Trees and People Coalition, and the Duwamish Valley Neighborhood Preservation Coalition have filed a petition before the Central Puget Sound Region Growth Management Hearings Board of the State of Washington, and
Whereas the Petitioners challenge the action by the city of Seattle passing Seattle Ordinance 120681 relating to Tree Protection, and
Whereas the Petition challenges the failure of the City of Seattle to withdraw its February 17, 2022 State Environmental Policy Act Determination of Non-Significance and issue a new threshold determination, and
Whereas Seattle’s current Comprehensive Plan requires the city strive to increase citywide tree canopy to 30% by 2037 and 40% over time, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with the Seattle’s current Comprehensive Plan to promote the care and retention of trees and groups of trees that enhance Seattle’s Historic, cultural, recreational, environmental, and aesthetic character, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with Seattle’s current Comprehensive Plan which require encouraging the preservation and expansion of tree canopy throughout the city for the preservation and expansion of tree canopy throughout the city for the aesthetic, health and environmental benefits trees provide, considering first the residential and mixed use areas with the least tree canopy in order to more equitably distribute the benefits to residents, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan policy to establish tree requirements that preserve tree requirements that preserve and enhance the City’s physical and aesthetic character and recognize the value of trees and landscaping in addressing stormwater management, pollution reduction, heat island mitigation and other issues, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan policies that the city develop regulations, incentives, and educational materials to minimize lot clearing and ensure creative designs that retain mature trees, and
Whereas the city failed to seek prior review and recommendations from the Urban Forestry Commission for amendments that were made late in the review process and failed to give the Commission adequate time to review and respond to these amendments, and
Whereas the city violated public participation requirements when it failed to provide adequate opportunity for public review and comment on amendments to the tree protection ordinance that were proposed relatively late in the review process after the initial review and comment period had passed, and
Whereas the city failed to withdraw the DNS and issue a new threshold determination for ordinance 120681 when there were substantial changes to the ordinance that is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts or where there was significant new information on the ordinance’s probable significance adverse impacts.
Petitioners seek the following relief:
An order declaring the City of Seattle is out of compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act as it relates to the issues presented herein;
An order requiring the City amend its tree protection ordinance to ensure that the provisions of the ordinance strive to increase the tree canopy to 30% by 2037 and to 40% over time;
An order that the city of Seattle withdraw the February 17, 2022 DNS and issue a new threshold determination, and
Any other relief necessary by the Board
Therefore, be it resolved that we support this Petition to the Growth Management Hearings Board and authorize adding our name to the list of organizations supporting this Petition.
Growth Management Hearings Board
Whereas TreePAC, Trees and People Coalition, and the Duwamish Valley Neighborhood Preservation Coalition have filed a petition before the Central Puget Sound Region Growth Management Hearings Board of the State of Washington, and
Whereas the Petitioners challenge the action by the city of Seattle passing Seattle Ordinance 120681 relating to Tree Protection, and
Whereas the Petition challenges the failure of the City of Seattle to withdraw its February 17, 2022 State Environmental Policy Act Determination of Non-Significance and issue a new threshold determination, and
Whereas Seattle’s current Comprehensive Plan requires the city strive to increase citywide tree canopy to 30% by 2037 and 40% over time, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with the Seattle’s current Comprehensive Plan to promote the care and retention of trees and groups of trees that enhance Seattle’s Historic, cultural, recreational, environmental, and aesthetic character, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with Seattle’s current Comprehensive Plan which require encouraging the preservation and expansion of tree canopy throughout the city for the preservation and expansion of tree canopy throughout the city for the aesthetic, health and environmental benefits trees provide, considering first the residential and mixed use areas with the least tree canopy in order to more equitably distribute the benefits to residents, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan policy to establish tree requirements that preserve tree requirements that preserve and enhance the City’s physical and aesthetic character and recognize the value of trees and landscaping in addressing stormwater management, pollution reduction, heat island mitigation and other issues, and
Whereas sections of Ordinance 120681 are inconsistent with Comprehensive Plan policies that the city develop regulations, incentives, and educational materials to minimize lot clearing and ensure creative designs that retain mature trees, and
Whereas the city failed to seek prior review and recommendations from the Urban Forestry Commission for amendments that were made late in the review process and failed to give the Commission adequate time to review and respond to these amendments, and
Whereas the city violated public participation requirements when it failed to provide adequate opportunity for public review and comment on amendments to the tree protection ordinance that were proposed relatively late in the review process after the initial review and comment period had passed, and
Whereas the city failed to withdraw the DNS and issue a new threshold determination for ordinance 120681 when there were substantial changes to the ordinance that is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts or where there was significant new information on the ordinance’s probable significance adverse impacts.
Petitioners seek the following relief:
An order declaring the City of Seattle is out of compliance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act as it relates to the issues presented herein;
An order requiring the City amend its tree protection ordinance to ensure that the provisions of the ordinance strive to increase the tree canopy to 30% by 2037 and to 40% over time;
An order that the city of Seattle withdraw the February 17, 2022 DNS and issue a new threshold determination, and
Any other relief necessary by the Board
Therefore, be it resolved that we support this Petition to the Growth Management Hearings Board and authorize adding our name to the list of organizations supporting this Petition.